Sunday, May 25, 2014


Wow. It's kind of crazy to think just a year ago I hit 1,OOO. It's pretty insane to think 1O thousand people watch my videos. and it's pretty crazy they like them. Thank you all so much for supporting my channel and being with me throughout all my years on YouTube. You all are so sweet and AGTube is such a great place.  But enough of the sappy stuff :P I am holding... A GIVEAWAY! With AGPals :D The video is on my channel and I hope you go enter :D

I am not out of school yet so I didn't get to film anything super special but hopefully I can do something special when I'm out of school. I also plan to re set up my etsy this summer too(:

so that's it for now :D thanks for everything.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

new year, new doll!


I apologize! school has been crazy lately and ive been swamped!

i made this just to tell you i am alive xD

and you guessed it! im going to tell you to check my instagram (@ilovesabiee) for updates! im working on new videos!

just be patient!

thanks so much for everything!