Friday, August 3, 2012

Video Overload :o


AHHHH I have SO many videos to post! I'm trying not to post more than 4 videos a week but its so hard because I have some videos that have deadlines! I'm holding auditions for something and I made the video but I keep having to delay when I upload it :/ I also wanted to do weekly AGSMs but I really don't know!

Unfrosted is just making things harder. I also wanted to do a thank you for 2,000 and maybe a couple more videos for that but I honestly have NO idea when I can get those out. I have a lot of videos that still need to be edited. What should I do?

However, I am getting a good turn out with Unfrosted! I'm happy how it's turning out(: I also I've been trying to hold daily tinychats! So yeah xD Summer has flown by and its coming to an end kind of soon :O

But yeah xD that's enough updates right now xD This wasn't really a good post xD but please let me know what I should do.



  1. I sorta like video overloads =)
    I get bored of only like one person uploading and it's just one video :/

  2. I'm having video overloads too :O
    I'm subscribed to nearly 1OO people and I literally have 5 new videos a day in my subscription box -_-
    So I would actually love it if you had a video over load! :D
    Haha we don't mind! Um maybe post like every other day? Or a live video, then 2 days later a stop motion, then 2 days later a photo shoot or music video or something.
    IDK, but I love your videos, so trust me we don't mind a video over load!!! :D

  3. Vido over loads are good! They give me something to do! XD


  4. I just wanted to let you know, I really love Unfrosted! Its really good and Frankie is my favorite!
