Saturday, September 8, 2012


Notice anything different?(:

That's right!

I redid the entire blog! I actually didn't plan this AT ALL. I was only going to do a new banner because
1. I had a new doll
2. I didn't like the other one

But it ended up looking funny because the banner was purple and everything else was pink.

I'm not crazy about the BG :/ I mean, blogspot didn't offer anything purple so I had to find a different picture. I know it's a little hard to see things but I hope you don't mind!

But good news for those of you who don't like the new layout!

This is COMPLETELY temporary!

The only reason I changed the banner (which caused me to change everything else) was because I hated the old one! It was resized funny and the picture was really ugly xD

But in a couple months I will re do everything!

Anyways, school is SUPER busy so sorry if I don't upload much :/ I will be trying to post a lot here! :D

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Let me know what you think of the new layout!

Do you like this one of the old one better?



  1. Nice! I like it!your newest doll was Reagan right? ( If didn't get the name right: sonali mold, tight curls) I really want her! I actually like the backround! you did a good job!

    ~Rachel (RachelAG123 on youtube)

  2. I like it better! :) I love the color, and the background.

  3. I'm in love with how your blog looks!
    Don't change it!
    I repeat don't change it! :D
    It's so perfect and everything!
    I'm so jealous!
    And I'm loving the banner!
